Big Data
What’s Big Data? Big Data is a large volume of data structured or unstructured, that, due to its size, complexity, and speed in generating new information, can be difficult to compile, manage, process, and analyze without the use of the appropriate technology. This data can be used for automatic learning in machine learning projects, predictive modeling, and many other analysis applications. The main features of this data are known as the 3 Vs: Volume: the high amount of data generated in different places, with relevance for making decisions. Variety: the different forms, types, and sources of information. Velocity: the speed with which data are generated, captured, stored, and processed. Although those are its main features, there are still other important aspects that can be associated with the idea: Veracity: the importance of having reliable data. : Value : t he idea that data should have commercial value and provide real benefits. Variability: ...